Postharvest Technology

Brief description of the Area
Created in 1985, the construction of the building and equipment was achieved with IDB funds in 1994.
Objective of its creation and operation
Respond to the development needs of the country through the diversification of agriculture and the opening of international markets.
What does the Postharvest Technology Laboratory do?
Quality studies, postharvest physiology and horticulture, Identification of postharvest diseases, postharvest engineering, postharvest phytopathology. Generate, adapt and transfer knowledge and technology for the post-harvest management of fresh agricultural products, through research, teaching, social action, training and links with the external sector to extend the useful life, preserve the quality and safety of consumption. of horticultural products.
Postharvest Technology Laboratory Researchers, Agronomic Research Center, Universidad de Costa Rica:
Dra. Maricruz Ramírez Sánchez, coordinador,
M.Sc. Marco V. Sáenz, M.Sc.
Paula Calvo,
Dra. Marta Montero,
Dra. Gerardina Umaña,