Natural Resources Services


To request more information about the analyzes offered, please contact 2511-2054, office hours Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4 pm, or email

For each service prices, please click the next link


The Natural Resources Laboratory provides the following services in the field of soil physics:

  • Texture:
    It indicates the percentage relationship of particles smaller than 2mm: sand, silt, and clay. It helps infer physical soil characteristics such as consistency, water storage, and porosity. It can also be used to evaluate soil management and conservation practices.
  • Soil Moisture Retention Curve:
    Corresponds to the soil's moisture retention at different tensions. It is mainly measured at 2 points (0.33 bar, which corresponds to field capacity (FC), and 15 bar, which is the permanent wilting point (PWP)), and it reports the available water for plants. It indicates properties such as drainage, aeration, and infiltration.
  • Hydraulic Conductivity (in cylinder):
    It is the soil's capacity to conduct water in a saturated state. Together with infiltration, it helps in designing drainage systems.
  • Gravimetric Moisture Content: It is the soil's moisture content at the time of sampling, which should be related to other physical properties for proper interpretation of the results, such as penetration resistance.
  • Bulk Density and Particle Density (in cylinder):
    It is an indicator of soil compaction, and along with Particle Density, it allows for the calculation of total soil porosity.
  • Penetration Resistance:
    Measured to estimate the degree of compaction and the force that crop roots face when growing.
  • Erosion Studies:
    Performed using runoff micro-plot techniques and simulated rainfall on the soil.
  • Soil Aggregate Stability:
    It studies the attractive force between aggregate particles when an external destructive force is applied. This analysis allows evaluating the effects of erosion by wind or water on the terrain as well as infiltration. It has applications in soil degradation and conservation issues.
  • Other Services:
    Soil mapping and classification studies. Consultation on soil management and sampling. Certification of soil land use. Soil conservation studies. Short training courses for professionals, technicians, and farmers. Teaching for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Consulting services for national and international institutions. Contracted research. Hydropedology studies.